His instruments are entirely hand crafted, without any electronic support, remaining faithful to the Cremonese's secular form and tradition, constantly seeking the harmony between structure and sound. This is certainly the main reason for the production of few pieces per year, that guarantees to each instrument prestige and uniqueness. Interested in the structural complexity of the arched instruments, he continues to study them in order to obtain and guarantee the maximum sound performance for each of his violins. His philosophy is completely focused on detail care: first through the careful selection of the raw materials and subsequently, paying close attention to each stage of construction. In fact, each of his instrument is made from high-quality wood, allowing it to mature in a natural way, ensuring in this way, quality and high sound performance over time. The harmonic plan is entirely made of “red spruce wood” from Val di Fiemme, while Balkan maple wood is used to create the bottom. His great attention to quality and to the search for harmonic balance are synonymous with commitment and accuracy at every stage of construction, and for this reason Nicholas devotes a lot of time to the internal structure of his instruments, which is the most delicate and precious areas to obtain an homogeneous and exclusive sound flow.